Cyl-Liners was founded in 1971, as a company to provide services and products associated with the centrifugal cast iron foundry industry. They specialise specifically in the provision of metallurgy and technology for the production of cylinder liners but have worked on a range of projects across multiple industries. Their previous experience has allowed them to feature in the establishment of foundries, machine shops, laboratories and many more. You can find the best cylinder liners as well as centrifugally cast iron with Cyl-Liners, with a wide range of stock in all departments available.
Foxwood Diesel is proud to be in a long-standing partnership with an esteemed company such as Cyl-Liners. Click here for more information about Cyl-liners and their reputable services and products. Please contact us at Foxwood Diesel to learn more about our partnership and how it benefits our own products and parts.